Bitaco Protective Forest Reserve

Resultado de imagen para reserva forestal protectora de bitaco

The reserve is located in a corregimiento called Bitaco, in La Cumbre at the Summit, Valle del Cauca. The reserve has existed for many years before I was born. In the reserve we find a story not only of those that tell the plants and the river, but we also find the story of people who fought for it. You will wonder what is interesting about this reservation of other reservations? For the country can be a lungfor the region means water and lifefor meit means divine creation.

The reserve consists of several hectares of forests; however, it also has a tea crop corridor, which belong to the TÉ HINDÚ.

I met the reservation by chanceI was 7 years old when I joined a theater group that met every Saturday in Chicoral. This time of my life transcendental in that, thanks to this I was able to see my world and the nature that surrounded me from a care view.

Resultado de imagen para reserva forestal protectora de bitaco
